Grant Application: Submitting an application involves two steps:
Please note that for our grant application deadline of April 30, 2025, we will only be accepting grant applications from organizations that have previously received funding from us.
For more information please review our Grant Guidelines and Procedures.
One-Year Grant Accounting Form: Please use the link below to access the form, make a copy of the form to fill it out, and then send the completed form to You may also download the form as a Word or Open Office document to fill out and submit.
Strowd Roses One Year Grant Accounting Form
A note about funds: Any changes to the use of grant funds as stated in the proposal, or the timeline of spending down the funds within one year of receipt, must be reviewed and approved in advance by the board. Unless otherwise specified by Strowd Roses, all grant monies are expected to be spent within one year of receipt. At the end of the one-year grant period, organizations must report if any balance remains and provide a concrete plan for spending remaining funds. The board may, at its discretion, either extend the period for use of the funds or ask that unspent funds be reverted to Strowd Roses.